Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lower Limb

These are some important Questions realted to the lower limb :
1) Explain Femoral sheath . ( 4 marks)
2) Explain the Profunda Femoral Artery and its branches. (4 marks)
3) Explain the Gluteus Maximus and name the structures Under cover of the Gluteus maximus.(4 marks)
4) Explain the Popliteal fossa.(4 marks)
5) Explain the Adductor Canal.( 4 marks)
6) Saphenous  opening.(2 marks)
7) Obturartor Nerve.( 4 marks)
8) Adductor Magnus.( 4 marks)
9) Popliteal Vessels.( 4 marks)
10)  Define the boundaries of the Popliteal fossa.( 2 marks)
11) Hamstring muscles. ( 4 marks)
12) Factors maintaining the Arches of the foot.( 4 marks)
13) Fibriform Fascia.(2 marks)
14) Femoral  canal. ( 4 marks)
15) Inguinal ligament.( 4 marks)
16) Plantar artery.(4 marks)


These are some important questions related to the blood 
1) Explain the process of Blood Coagulation. ( 10 marks)
2) Hb synthesis (4 marks)
3) Fibrinolytic sysytem (4 marks)
4) Rh factor (4 marks)
5) Phagocytosis  ( 4 marks)
6) Types of Jaundice and their causes ( A.K.JAIN) ( 2 marks)
7) Anti coagulants  In vitro and In vivo. (2 marks)
8) Role of Vitamin B12 in Erythropoesis. (4 marks)
9) Functions of Plasma Proteins. ( 2 marks )
10) Functions of Platelets. ( 2 marks)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Medical mnemonics or shortcuts are always useful to remember  long sequences... 
These websites will prove useful: