Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Hip bone

Today , batches "C" and "D" had demo classes with regard to the Hip bone . Being the most complex bone of the the skeletal system, one needs professional help to understand it . My friends , who have already completed their first MBBS , Have come forward with their contibutions to help understand the Hip bone. The following videos will eliminate all your doubts.

Any body who wants me to post other videos related to the human body, can mail the details to me at

I also happen to have the VIDEO ATLAS , which describes all the parts of the Human Body , that a student comes across during dissection. Any body interested can contact me in the college. I shall give you the DVD containing the atlas.

You are welcome to comment.

The Human Body Made EASY.

After Listening to the first of the Anatomy classes , Many students would have realised that the Human Skeleton requires most of the attention , especially in the case of students without a bone set. This blog will serve as a helping hand for such students. After an extensive search of the world wide web, I have narrowed in on a website . This website is your pass to the THREE DIMENSIONAL Human body, wherein you can view the internal organs from any angle you like.Recommended by professors the world over, your search for the perfect tutor ends here. Here are some instructions :
  • Register your self at the website.
  • View the tutorial offered by the web site.
  • Then , you launch Vsible body.

Click on this link for a video guide to the web site:

No need to thank me.