Saturday, December 6, 2008

Online Anatomy

In my previous posts I had suggested  Visible Body  ,  a perfect substitute for Atlases.
But most of the students could not get access the website , as it requires a 3D Grapics card to view the High definition Images.
 There is another website, which is equally good and will  run on  low configurations PC's.  The website is called Human Anatomy Online . A  huge advantage of this website is that it also provides a list of all possible parts under each system Seperately.

Friday, November 28, 2008

E- Books

This website provided to me by one of our clas mates  gives free download links to online versions of Medical books related to all the MBBS subjects.... These include books by prominent Authors like  Ganong For Physiology , Snell for Anatomy , Harper and Lippincott for Biochem.....

Girdlestone Arthroplasty

Before understanding this Surgical procedure , one needs to know the maifestations of Pressure Sores or Pressure Ulcers .
Pressure Ulcers - Pressure over Bony prominences is called  Pressure sore which leads to Pressure Ulcers.  These are Lesions which proceed to effect the Skin as well in future stages.
The affected part of the bone is  usually removed in such cases .
Femoral Head Osteomyelitis - In this disease , the Femur head is removed due to it getting infected. The first  known case of  Femoral head ostectomy (removal of femur head) was performed by Robert Girdlestone.
Whenever a part of a bone is removed ,  reconstruction is required , especially if the structure excised is associated with a joint.
Arthroplasty means Formation of a joint.
In  the  case of Femoral Head Ostectomy , Arthroplasty is done by the Vastus Lateralis Muscle.
The Insertion of the  Vastus Lateralis Muscle  is removed in the form of a Myocutaneous Flap and is used to reconstruct and reinforce the Hip joint . 
 The muscle is wound around the Hip joint as shown in the figure above. 
The association of Robert Girdlestone with this procedure gave rise to the term Girdlestone Arthroplasty.
This procedure is sometimes followed to treat Trochanteric  Pressure Sores.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Heart

 Every one at GMC, by now must be quite thorough with the Heart.  So test your self  by visiting this website  Feel free to move the mouse around on the Heart spinning at the middle of the home page...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Medical Animations

The World Wide Web is the largest resource for Medical students. There are several websites out there waiting to be explored.....
In my previous posts, I have mentioned about .  It is the perfect guide for anatomy and  also a replacement for Atlases.
There is  another sister website of Visible body , with the url .
This website has got animations related to the several systems of our body......
 Now is the right time to view the animation of the sectioned  heart  provided by the website as we at GMC have reached the end of thorax.
Not only have they showed the functioning of the Valves but have also coupled the conducting system  with it....  the out come is a  masterpiece.
Several clinical procedures have also been animated. 
Hope you find it useful.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lower Limb

These are some important Questions realted to the lower limb :
1) Explain Femoral sheath . ( 4 marks)
2) Explain the Profunda Femoral Artery and its branches. (4 marks)
3) Explain the Gluteus Maximus and name the structures Under cover of the Gluteus maximus.(4 marks)
4) Explain the Popliteal fossa.(4 marks)
5) Explain the Adductor Canal.( 4 marks)
6) Saphenous  opening.(2 marks)
7) Obturartor Nerve.( 4 marks)
8) Adductor Magnus.( 4 marks)
9) Popliteal Vessels.( 4 marks)
10)  Define the boundaries of the Popliteal fossa.( 2 marks)
11) Hamstring muscles. ( 4 marks)
12) Factors maintaining the Arches of the foot.( 4 marks)
13) Fibriform Fascia.(2 marks)
14) Femoral  canal. ( 4 marks)
15) Inguinal ligament.( 4 marks)
16) Plantar artery.(4 marks)


These are some important questions related to the blood 
1) Explain the process of Blood Coagulation. ( 10 marks)
2) Hb synthesis (4 marks)
3) Fibrinolytic sysytem (4 marks)
4) Rh factor (4 marks)
5) Phagocytosis  ( 4 marks)
6) Types of Jaundice and their causes ( A.K.JAIN) ( 2 marks)
7) Anti coagulants  In vitro and In vivo. (2 marks)
8) Role of Vitamin B12 in Erythropoesis. (4 marks)
9) Functions of Plasma Proteins. ( 2 marks )
10) Functions of Platelets. ( 2 marks)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Medical mnemonics or shortcuts are always useful to remember  long sequences... 
These websites will prove useful:

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Upper Limb

These are some Important questions related to the Upper limb :
1) Flexor Retinaculum (5 marks)
2) Extensor Retinaculum (5 marks)
3) Supinator Muscle (5 marks)
4) Flexor Digitorum Profundus (5 marks)
5) Ulnar Bursa (2 marks)
6) Radial Bursa (2 marks)
7) Dorsal digital expansion (2 marks)
8) Fore Arm Space of Parona ( 2 marks)
9) Pronator Quadratus ( 5 marks)
10) Anatomical Snuff Box ( 2 marks)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Important Questions

These are some of the impotant questions related to the Upper limb. These questions are being provided to the students in some Private colleges.
1) Brachial Plexus.
2)Lymphatic drainage of the Mammary Gland.
3) Cubital Fossa
4)Deltoid Muscle.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Upper Limb

This video is about the muscles of the arm.

Muscles Of The Thigh

This is probably the BEST Video of my collection. Iam sure you guys will find it very useful.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


One of my friends studying in Kamineni Institute Of Medical Sciences , Has suggested me a website. It looks like a replica of our Cunninghams Manual ,but there is more to it. Check it out:
I request every body to participate in developing this blog. You are free to comment. People who are interested to make contributions are requested to mail me at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Femur

After seeing the videos related to the Hip Bone, I am sure most of you would be waiting for more. Here are some pictures of the Femur By Dr.Netter.

Anatomy Dept. - GMC

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Hip bone

Today , batches "C" and "D" had demo classes with regard to the Hip bone . Being the most complex bone of the the skeletal system, one needs professional help to understand it . My friends , who have already completed their first MBBS , Have come forward with their contibutions to help understand the Hip bone. The following videos will eliminate all your doubts.

Any body who wants me to post other videos related to the human body, can mail the details to me at

I also happen to have the VIDEO ATLAS , which describes all the parts of the Human Body , that a student comes across during dissection. Any body interested can contact me in the college. I shall give you the DVD containing the atlas.

You are welcome to comment.

The Human Body Made EASY.

After Listening to the first of the Anatomy classes , Many students would have realised that the Human Skeleton requires most of the attention , especially in the case of students without a bone set. This blog will serve as a helping hand for such students. After an extensive search of the world wide web, I have narrowed in on a website . This website is your pass to the THREE DIMENSIONAL Human body, wherein you can view the internal organs from any angle you like.Recommended by professors the world over, your search for the perfect tutor ends here. Here are some instructions :
  • Register your self at the website.
  • View the tutorial offered by the web site.
  • Then , you launch Vsible body.

Click on this link for a video guide to the web site:

No need to thank me.